Jobs / Opportunity

Sous Chef – Up to $85K+S, Potts Point, Day Shifts, Hatted Chef at the Helm, Parking

Job Type





Looking for a sous chef to join a tight-knit team where every one has a common passion for cooking good food! Learn from the best in the industry cooking Modern Australian cuisine!

The Property

Located in Potts Point and is run by a progressive company that is growing year by year with top-notch venues opening all around Sydney.

The Kitchen

This kitchen is well designed as its core philosophy is working with in-season ingredients and fresh market produce. They make everything in-house from charcuterie, bread, pickling, fermentation, etc.

You’ll work under a well-known exec chef in the industry, who has experience working in hatted restaurants and even 3 Michelin starred restaurants. Working with local Australian produce and sustainability are two things that this team is passionate about.

The Role

The sous chef is expected to work on average 38-42 hours a week. You will assist in leading a team of 5-6 chefs on shift. The working environment is fast-paced and the kitchen is well designed to cope with the workload. However, the services are highly organised and executed well. It’s a tightly run ship!

All the chefs love to laugh, joke around and look out for one another, whether it’s in the kitchen or at the local pub socializing. They all have a similar passion for food and are very focused on the job at hand.

There is a lot of public transport that service the venue. If you prefer to drive, there is plenty of discounted local parking for staff.


On offer is up to $85K + S.


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