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The Hospitality General Manager job is one of the most comprehensive, complex and of course, senior in hospitality. In many other industries, being a GM can be purely a strategically focused role whereas in hospitality, it’s often very much intertwined with being hands-on and operational. It takes a special type of person to deliver true hospitality in a venue. This person brings together all the elements including management, culture, staffing, increasing spend per head, keeping OHS events low, maximising opportunities for cost savings and seeing to the achievement of many other KPIs.
Keeping all those balls in the air and ensuring all key people in the business are happy, all while maintaining a strict focus on providing the customer with a fabulous lunch or a brilliant night out is certainly not for everyone. We know that for any talented person seeking a Hospitality General Manager position, it’s vital that the core elements are present for you. In order for you to shine in a role and have your sparkle trickle down across all departments, we understand that you need certain information before you can even contemplate putting yourself forward.
We get it, and when we write an advertisement, we will always provide the details that mean so much. We don’t accept vanilla job specs. We’ll tell you about the business’s history, its future growth plan and the myriad other nuts and bolts that will help you determine who could be your next employer. Just as with all our ads for hospitality management jobs in Sydney, by the end of a phone brief with us, you’ll know if this is the one for you or not.
Array ( [post_type] => Array ( [0] => job ) [post_status] => publish [showposts] => 18 [no_found_rows] => 1 [tax_query] => Array ( [relation] => AND [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => locations [field] => term_id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 653 ) ) [1] => Array ( [taxonomy] => job_category [field] => term_id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 678 ) ) ) [order] => DESC )
Job Type
Placed Recruitment is Sydney’s and Queensland’s preferred hospitality recruitment agency for hotels, restaurants, clubs, resorts, restaurant groups and cafes.