We have provided more than 1,200 jobs to more than 450 happy employers over the last 15 years in Sydney and Queensland Hospitality Recruitment. That’s a lot of conversations with employers and candidates and insights. Here are three actionable steps you can take to enhance your team.

1. Know exactly who you are working with and flourish.

Teams encompass diverse backgrounds and stages of life, both personally and professionally. Establishing a strong foundation of understanding and support among team members is crucial to fostering a culture of respect and collaboration. Investing time in connecting with team leaders is essential, demonstrating a commitment to mutual support. This process lays the groundwork for a cohesive team dynamic where members can effectively collaborate despite their differences.

One effective method involves utilising profiling tools like DiSC or Myers-Briggs for team assessments. While these assessments might be familiar, engaging a professional facilitator such as Shelly McElroy from Dream Culture,  can provide deeper insights. This strategic approach allows team members to perceive each other more comprehensively, enhancing teamwork and boosting engagement, overall performance and productivity.

This investment in building strong team foundations is becoming more prevalent in today’s business landscape. 

Here are some results we have seen with other top-performing companies when they have implemented this strategy. 

Building Higher Performing Complementary Teams:
Understanding personality types helps assemble more well-rounded teams.

Enhanced Self-Awareness:
Team members gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, leading to better self-recognition.

Improved Communication:
Working together with more understanding of each other creates less friction more
connection & happier staff.

2. Challenge and Inspire

Here are four refined strategies to inspire and challenge your team members to exceed expectations:

  1. Challenge Complacency:
    Encourage a culture of growth by nudging individuals out of their comfort zones. Push them to explore new territories, take calculated risks, and embrace change, fostering continuous improvement.
  2. Embrace Failure as Growth:
    Cultivate an environment where failure is viewed as a stepping stone toward success. Encourage team members to learn from their mistakes, promoting resilience and innovation as part of their developmental journey.
  3. Value Effort and Growth:
    Emphasise the importance of effort and dedication alongside innate abilities. Encourage a growth mindset where progress is celebrated and continuous learning is valued as much as inherent talent.

These strategies create an environment that not only motivates individuals to surpass their own limits but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and resilience within the team. 

3. Foster Trust

Open and honest conversations are the heart of productive team members. Address tensions, conflicts, or any issues that might be hindering trust and cohesion within the team. Encourage team members to express their concerns and opinions constructively. These conversations can pave the way for resolving conflicts and rebuilding trust, essential for effective collaboration.

External management coaches or high-performance facilitators can often provide this loop and framework while working with teams